
Needs sound 🎶 Music credit: Balcony dreams - Mauwe

So I wasn't sure whether to post this or not, but decided that it's worth saying because if it resonates with even one person in this world, then that's a person who may try something new and love it and feel good about themselves because they did it. A fantastic outcome in my books!

Reasons to not post:

1. What will others think?

2. "Does my bum look big in this?" 😅

3. Oooh, putting yourself out there, being your unfiltered self... scary!!!

Reasons to post:

1. People will always think something! In my experience, those who judge are the ones struggling the most with acceptance and kindness. Those who cheer you on, are the ones who consciously choose to live with an open, loving heart (I know which one I'd rather be!)

You can choose to feel judged by the small hearted people, or you can choose to surround yourself with the big hearted people.

2. I have a bum. It's a bum that allows me to do yoga for self-care in the sunshine and function better as a professional, friend, mother etc. So, rather than judging my bum, I'm choosing to thank it for (quite literally) supporting me and allowing me to overcome physical blocks that will make me mentally stronger.

3. To judge my body is to show gross ingratitude for what I have, whatever that looks like. Could I work on it? Yes, always! But to criticise it, when there are other people in this world who would give ANYTHING to be able to do a headstand in the park under the glorious sun, is to me the biggest 2 fingers up to what you're blessed with.

There are people in wheelchairs who don't have a choice but to stay in them; people without limbs; people living in countries where this kind of freedom isn't possible. Instead of downplaying what we do have; we can focus on the good, be grateful for it, value it, and notice our perspective of gratitude in life shift massively.

4. Celebrate your success because otherwise you'll never know how far you've come and won't have an anchor to hold onto when life gets tough.

FYI, this is only the 6th time I've ever done a headstand... and this one for almost a minute. And yes! I am so happy with that progress and I'm going to celebrate it! Why? Because in doing so, it reminds me that I can learn something new, overcome a challenge I didn't think was possible and then apply this to other areas in my life.

So folks... think on these #coachingqquestions to guide yourself to new, happier ways of being:

* What am I taking for granted in my life

* If the above was suddenly taken away from me, would I wish I'd appreciated it more?

* In what areas of my life can I set goals that, having achieved them, will show me newer, stronger, more positive sides of myself?

Please share your journey with me, what you're going to do, how you did, how it helped... I would genuinely love to know ❤️

With love


🌟 If reading this struck a chord and you'd like to work with me to overcome challenges and actively seek joy, meaning and purpose in your life, book a 20 minute complimentary Connect Call to chat with me.

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