Watch here to learn about the Willow Bach Flower Remedy...

This remedy will resonate if....

- You, or someone you know may say:

"Why is it happening to me?"
"I wish I could just catch a break"
"It's just my luck, these things alllllwaaaays happen to me"
"I am just seething with anger"
"You know, I really resent the way..."
"I just feel really bitter about the whole situation"
"I can't believe they could treat me like this"

It's OK if you're feeling this way!!!!!
Everyone has at some point.

The beauty is that now you know that the Bach Flower Remedy WILLOW can offer you a solution to feeling these emotions.

The strength that Willow can give you is the knowledge that this isn't happening to only you, it just feels that way right now.

Challenges are like the wind.
When you're feeling demoralised, tired, drained; that wind rips through you, tears off your leaves, rendering you powerless and exhausted, drained from all the strain.

Taking Willow Remedy helps you to feel that if the wind blows, you won't fall over. You'll go with it, you're flexible, you let it pass through you, and that, as with all challenges, this too shall pass.

So, When you're in the deep dark place, you wonder, why does this always happen to me, why is life so hard, just give me a bit of the good stuff... you can assure yourself:

- stuff happens to everyone
- you've got through tough times before, you can bend through this because it won't break you
- your strength comes from knowing that nothing is permanent and there are lessons that help us grow and change and level up as humans... that's why they happen to us, otherwise we'd just stagnateand never change, or learn, or be better.

I hope this helps someone you there xxx

Please give me a ❤ if you like this

Please tell me what you're feeling so I can show you the way out.

Much love
Sue x

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