Bach Flower Remedies Taster Sessions for Emotional Healing

I am really excited to be attending this phenomenal and lovely event once again. 

I will be offering Bach Flower Remedy Taster Sessions.

Are you stressed, unhappy, questioning your lifepath? Perhaps you are just feeling a little unbalanced?

Please see the photos attached for more info and contact me on to book your session in advance.

See you all on Sunday!

Bach Flower Remedies: Vine

This remedy is for people who are strong, who know their own minds and think they know what’s best for others. In their negative state, they can be tyrannical and domineering; expecting absolute obedience. In their positive state, they are wise, gentle and loving guides who can inspire and lead others without force of will.

Dr. Bach said: “Very capable people, certain of their own ability, confident of success. Being so assured, they think that it would be for the benefit of others if they could be persuaded to do things as they themselves do, or as they are certain is right. Even in illness they will direct their attendants. They may be of great value in emergency. ” The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies

Key words:
Domineering, tyrannical, demands obedience. Brings positive, wise and gentle leadership.

Take the first step on your Reiki journey...

REIKI Level 1 - Beginner's Course

reiki level 1 beginners

Would you like to learn how to:

 * Be more relaxed and happy
 * Give healing to yourself, friends, family and pets
 * Discover how to calm your mind
 * Boost your energy
 * Ease pain and assist recovery
 * Enrich all aspects of your life

Read below for more info about beginning your Reiki adventure...

Reiki is a beautifully simple, yet deeply profound Japanese method for self-development and healing. It is a system for knowing your true purpose in life, with the wonderful additional benefit of physical and emotional healing on all levels.

If you are new to Reiki, you might like to start by reading this article I wrote: REIKI - What’s it all about? Should I try it? What will it do for me?

There are 3 levels of Reiki - Level 1 (also known as First Degree), Level 2 (Second Degree) and Masters.

You begin at Level 1 and work up. In Level 1 you are attuned to Reiki (your ability to give Reiki is 'opened up'). You will learn how to give Reiki and how to work with the Reiki energy. Level 1 is suitable for all beginners, irrespective of your previous experience.

All courses include lunch and refreshments, a comprehensive manual, personalised Reiki journal, certificate, lineage, copy of the principles, follow-up session and unlimited support.

What You Will Learn:

• What is Reiki?
• How Reiki works
• History of Reiki
• The Reiki Precepts
• Chakras and the Energetic System
• Hand placements for giving healing to yourself and others
• You will receive your Attunements
• Working with animals
• Crystals and other modalities
• 21 day cleansing
• Daily Reiki practice
• Reiki Ethics

Please book your place early for any Reiki course you want to attend. Spaces are strictly limited to ensure you get all the guidance and individual support you need.

Please contact me to reserve your space for an upcoming course, or to chat through any questions you might have.

With warmest wishes,

About your teacher: Sue Walsh

I am a Master-Teacher Member of the UK Reiki Federation and have been practicing healing and complementary therapies for over 13 years. I have gone to great lengths to ensure the quality of my training, having studied with some of the best teachers in the world, including Frans Stiene, William Lee Rand, Doreen Virtue and Jack Angelo.

To be following a path that I find so uplifting and inspiring makes me feel genuinely blessed and I am sincere in my desire to help others achieve what they need on their own journey. My passion is to teach Reiki in a way that inspires my students and makes Reiki a positive, life-changing adventure rather than just another certificate on the wall!

REIKI: What's it all about? Should I try it? What will it do for me?

Have you heard of Reiki before? Have you ever had Energy Healing, Vibrational Medicine, Alternative or Complementary therapies?
I wonder if you have tried conventional medicine for physical ailments, illnesses, anxiety or depression only to find that either the medicine didn’t really work, or if it did, the side effects were awful?
Reiki is a beautifully simple yet deeply profound Japanese method for self-development and healing. Recipients of Reiki report that it brings them deep relaxation, freedom from pain and a stronger sense of the direction they want to take in life.
Reiki is something that is an intrinsic part of my life, I practice it daily, I refer to it constantly, it has changed my life immeasurably and I cannot for one second, imagine living without it. So it’s easy to forget that there was a time, when I didn’t know what on earth it was. I had never heard of it, I had never experienced it and I had never practiced it. For those of us who live with Reiki and enjoy its benefits, it’s easy to forget that some people don’t know a thing about it – even though we used to be one of those people. It’s easy to mention Reiki in conversation and be surprised when one sees a bewildered look on your companion’s face who then says “So.... what is Reiki??”.
This message is a brief summary for those of you who have yet to try or experience Reiki and are wondering:

What is it? How does it work? How can it help?
Reiki means “spiritual energy” – REI, meaning spiritual and KI, meaning energy
 It was founded by Mikao Usui in Japan in the early 1900s. He created it to support people on their journey towards fulfilment and enlightenment, using elements taken from years of training in Tendai Buddhism, Shugendo, Samurai martial arts and ancient Japanese culture.
 Reiki is a spiritual practice for self-development and healing, much like the practice of meditation. Like meditation, it can be deeply transformative. It involves hands on healing, meditative practices and symbols which can help us to further our personal development, as well as restoring our body’s capacity to heal itself. Reiki is not a religion and many people find that it enhances their spiritual beliefs.
Receiving a treatment: Reiki is non-intrusive, non-manipulative and it does not diagnose. To have a Reiki treatment, one simply remains fully clothed and lies on a massage couch, covered with a blanket. A treatment takes about 1 hour. The Reiki practitioner will work with their hands both on (just a simple gentle touch, the hand resting lightly) and off (raised about an inch or two above) the body.
What you will feel: At the very least you will experience deep relaxation like none you have ever experienced before. You will in all likelihood fall fast asleep and wake up feeling lighter, refreshed, balanced and rejuvenated. You may also experience profound insight, clarity of mind and feel emotionally uplifted.
Benefits: Reiki can help one physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. (You do not have to be sick to receive Reiki!)
•Reiki can be beneficial for physical ailments, chronic and acute illnesses, First Aid and it can strengthen the immune system and relieve the side-effects of medication.
•Emotional trauma such as depression, insomnia, lack of confidence, addiction and anxiety can be eased and balanced. Clients report feeling more in control, more at ease, calmer and more easily able to cope with stress.
•Spiritually one can feel more connected to their reason for being, a general feeling of wellbeing and contentment and better understanding of the greater scheme of things.  Mindfulness and a sense of presence is a wonderful and positive ‘side effect’ of Reiki.

Training: There are 3 levels in Reiki training: First Degree (Shoden/Level 1), Second Degree (Okuden/Level 2) and Masters (Shinpiden/Level 3). One starts at Level 1 and progresses from there. Training should always be in person and should be carried out with due diligence, professionalism and respect for the system of Reiki.
What now?
 Having read this, you will hopefully have a better understanding of what Reiki is and how it can help you. Your next step is to find a practitioner for a treatment and decide whether learning the system for yourself if something you would like to do.
I firmly believe that each person is drawn to a teacher that is right for them. I therefore encourage you to do your homework in finding a practitioner or teacher. Visit websites of regulatory bodies (for example, UK Reiki Federation), have a look on therapy directories, and get a sense for the person who ‘just feels right’. Trust your gut and go with your intuition. Look for someone who has experience, who is well qualified and above all, continues their training rather than just resting on their stagnant laurels. If it feels like they really ‘walk their talk’ then that’s a good start.
I wish you an exciting adventure on your Reiki journey and sincerely hope that this information has been helpful.
 If you have any questions at all, or would like to know more, please contact me – I love nothing more than to talk about Reiki and share it with others.

With warmest wishes,


The Marathon Monks

I just read this article with much interest - not least because Mikao Usui (the founder of Reiki) was a lay Tendai buddhist monk, and sat upon Mount Kurama meditating and fasting for 21 days, (I'd like to see myself fast for 21 minutes!) but simply because it really rings true about pursuing what you want out to get out of life and being dedicated to do it.

I especially like the quote: 

"Never give up on a dream just because of the length of time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway."
—H. Jackson Brown

You can see the full article here (I have pasted it below as well for easy reading):

Happy reading
Sue x

If You Commit to Nothing, You’ll Be Distracted By Everything

By James Clear    |    MotivationResilienceSimplicity

In the northeastern hills outside Kyoto, Japan there is a mountain known as Mount Hiei. That mountain is littered with unmarked graves.

Those graves mark the final resting place of the Tendai Buddhist monks who have failed to complete a quest known as the Kaihogyo.

What is this quest that kills so many of the monks? And what can you and I learn from it?

Keep reading and I’ll tell you.

The Marathon Monks

The Tendai monks believe that enlightenment can be achieved during your current life, but only through extreme self–denial.

For the Tendai, the ultimate act of self–denial — and the route to enlightenment — is a physical challenge known as the Kaihogyo. Because of this challenge, the Tendai are often called the “Marathon Monks.”

But the Kaihogyo is much more than a marathon.

The Kaihogyo

The Kaihogyo is a 1,000 day challenge that takes place over seven years.

If a monk chooses to undertake this challenge, this is what awaits him…

During Year 1, the monk must run 30 km per day (about 18 miles) for 100 straight days.

During Year 2, the monk must again run 30 km per day for 100 straight days.

During Year 3, the monk must once more run 30 km per day for 100 straight days.

During Year 4, the monk must run 30 km per day. This time for 200 straight days.

During Year 5, the monk must again run 30 km per day for 200 straight days. After completing the fifth year of running, the monk must go 9 consecutive days without food, water, or rest. Two monks stand beside him at all times to ensure that he does not fall asleep.

During Year 6, the monk must run 60 km (about 37 miles) per day for 100 straight days.

During Year 7, the monk must run 84 km (about 52 miles) per day for 100 straight days. (52 miles per day!) And then, he must run 30 km per day for the final 100 days.

The sheer volume of running is incredible, of course, but there is one final challenge that makes The Kaihogyo unlike any other feat…

Day 101

During the first 100 days of running, the monk is allowed to withdraw from the Kaihogyo.

However, from Day 101 onwards, there is no withdrawal. The monk must either complete the Kaihogyo … or take his own life.

Because of this, the monks carry a length of rope and a short sword at all times on their journey.

In the last 400+ years, only 46 men have completed the challenge. Many others can be found by their unmarked graves on the hills of Mount Hiei.

3 Lessons on Mental Toughness and Commitment

The mental toughness of the Marathon Monks is incredible and their feats are unlike most challenges that you and I will face. But, there are still many lessons we can learn from them.

1. “Complete or Kill.”

The Marathon Monks are an extreme version of the “complete or kill” mentality. But you can take the same approach to your goals, projects, and work.

If something is important to you, complete it. If not, kill it.

If you’re anything like me, then you probably have a bunch of half–finished, half–completed projects and ideas. You don’t need all of those loose ends.

Either something is important enough to you to complete, or it’s time to kill it. Fill your life with goals that are worth finishing and eliminate the rest.

2. If you commit to nothing, you’re distracted by everything.

Most of us never face a challenge with the true possibility of death, but we can learn a lot from the monk’s sense of commitment and conviction. They have clarified exactly what they are working toward and for seven years they organize their life around the goal of completing the Kaihogyo. Every possible distraction is rendered unimportant.

Do you think the monks get distracted by TV, movies, the internet, celebrity gossip, or any of the other things that we so often waste time on? Of course not.

If you choose, you can make a similar decision in your life. Sure, your daily goals may not carry the same sense of urgency as the Kaihogyo, but that doesn’t mean you can’t approach them with the same sense of conviction.

We all have things that we say are important to us. You might say that you want to lose weight or be a better parent or create work that matters or build a successful business or write a book — but do you make time for these goals above all else? Do your organize your day around accomplishing them?

If you commit to nothing, then you’ll find that it’s easy to be distracted by everything.

3. It doesn’t matter how long your goal will take, just get started.

On Day 101, the Tendai monks are thousands of miles and 900 days from their goal. They are setting out on a journey that is so long and so arduous that it’s almost impossible for you and I to imagine. And yet, they still accept the full challenge. Day after day, year after year, they work.

And seven years later, they finish.

Don’t let the length of your goals prevent you from starting on them.

Never give up on a dream just because of the length of time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.
—H. Jackson Brown

What Makes You Different From the Marathon Monks

There is one very fortunate difference between you and the Tendai monks. You won’t die if you don’t reach your goal!

In the words of Seth Godin, you literally have the “privilege of being wrong.” You won’t die if you fail, you’ll only learn.

Furthermore, you can always change your mind. If you commit to a goal, work on it for a year, and decide that this isn’t actually what you wanted … guess what? You’re free to choose something else.

This should take a burden off of your shoulders! You don’t have to worry about committing to the right thing. If you’re debating between choices, just choose one. You can always adjust later on.

You have the opportunity to choose a goal that is important to you and the privilege of failing with very little consequence. Don’t waste that privilege.

Where to Go From Here

The biggest lesson that the Tendai monks offer for everyday people like you and me is the lesson of commitment and conviction.

Imagine the sense of commitment that the monk feels on Day 101. Imagine what it feels like to embrace the final 900 days of that challenge. Imagine what it feels like to accept a goal that is so important to you that you tell yourself, “I’m going to finish this or I will die trying.”

If you have something that is important to you, then eliminate the unrelated and unimportant tasks, get started no matter how big the challenge, and commit to your goal.

Every big challenge has a turning point. Today could be your Day 101. Today could be your Day of Commitment.

Happy 2016 everyone!

Wow, so here we are - at the very first day of 2016!

How are you going to make this year special? What plans have you got?

Whatever they are, I wish you abundant happiness, love, laughter and success in all ways.

With love,

Sue xx

A Six Step Method For Mind Training

Source: Frans Stiene and Master Chih I (538-598) - Fourth Patriarch of the T'ien T'ai School

This six step method of mind training makes use of the breath.

Breath is the source of life. When breathing stops the body is just a lifeless object and, because the nervous system no longer works, the mind just vanishes. So we see that life is preserved by breath which links body with mind and ensures their existence. Although you can't see it, air moves in and out of your nostrils when you breath. So there is body and mind with breath linking and uniting them.

There are three practices in moving from the mundane to the sublime and the 'main practice' is essential for changing mental gear. Stopping (Chih or Samatha) gives the first hint that there is sunshine behind the clouds of illusion and Contemplating (Kuan or Vipasyana) is the technique that opens the doors to clear perception.

* Preliminary practice

- count the breaths

- follow the breaths

* Main practice

- stop following the breaths

- contemplate the breaths

* Concluding practice

- realise that breath and breather are inseparable

- realise pure being

Count the breaths

Having regulated your breath so that it is neither tight nor loose, count slowly from one to ten for either in breaths or out breaths. Fix your attention on the counting so that your mind does not wander. If you notice that your mind has gone somewhere else and you have lost the count, go back to one and begin again. With practice you will get good at this counting procedure. Your breathing will become so fine that it is almost uncountable.

Follow the breaths

Stop counting the breaths but focus your mind on following them in and out. In this way your mind and your breathing will become mutually dependent. As your mind becomes more peaceful you will notice the lengths of your breaths and you will feel as if they pass through all the pores of your body. Your intellect is now quiet and still.

Stop following the breaths

Stop putting attention on the breathing and instead intentionally (yet unintentionally) fix your mind on the tip of your nose . While doing this you will suddenly notice that your body and mind seem to vanish and you will be in a state if stillness.

Contemplate the breaths

Although this state of stillness is very pleasant the next task is to turn the mind back on itself. The in and out breaths will now appear to be like wind in the void and to have no reality of their own. With practice there will be a clear feeling that the breath enters and leaves the body through all its pores.

Realise that breath and breather are inseparable

There will still be an impression of a subjective mind which contemplates the objective breath. These are viewed as two parts of a duality and the absolute state of the fundamental mind has not therefore been reached. The 'subjective knower' follows 'the breath' as it rises and as it falls. But 'rise' and 'fall' are fundamentally illusory and unreal: like 'waves' that rise from 'water', they only appear to exist. The mind that rises and falls is not the true, underlying, uncreated self-mind. The self-mind is beyond 'is' and is therefore void. There is no subjective mind that contemplates and no object to be contemplated. Knowledge and its object vanish.

Realise pure being

There will still be an idea of no knowledge and no object. This is removed when the mind becomes pure and clean through not discriminating.

The mind becomes still like calm water and contains no discriminating (unreal) thoughts. The return of the false to the real is like waves subsiding to reveal the water.

Source: Frans Stiene and the ultimate source is The Six Profound Dharma Doors (Lu Miao Fa Meng) of Chih I but as this contains much abstruse jargon Yin Shih Tsu paraphrased it in Chapter 6 of his Experimental Meditation for the Promotion of Health. This is quoted in Charles Luk's (Lu K'uan Yu) (1964) The Secrets of Chinese Meditation; Rider; ISBN 0 09 155091 2 and the above version is based loosely on that translation.

Deepening my Reiki knowledge

Each year I travel to study with Frans Stiene, the author of the critically acclaimed "Reiki Sourcebook". Frans dedicates his time to literally living, breathing and thoroughly researching Reiki, notably from the Traditional Japanese perspective, which is as close as possible to how Mikao Usui intended it to be, and indeed, taught it. It's probably safe to say that Frans is one of the world's leading Reiki teachers, if not, THE one.

Spending time learning directly with Frans is like nothing else on earth! The energy one enters when working with and around him is simply sublime and it's so easy to feel your practice literally take leaps and bounds forwards with every meditation, reiju and attunement.

I'll write more on my experiences in my next newsletter, but for now I leave you with this lovely photo which I'll always cherish...

Sue Walsh and Frans Stiene

Are you looking for a rewarding way to earn additional income?

Do you love Neal's Yard Remedies Organic?
Sign up today to receive your starter kit for only * £45 * - it's only available this month!

  • Would you like to buy Neal's Yard Remedies Organic products for a 25% discount every time you shop?
  • Would you like to earn additional income? (Christmas is coming up! You could do your shopping FREE!)
  • Would you like to attract more clients by using and established and ethical brand?
  • Do you use the products and order regularly?

Contact me today for more info, or Sign Up immediately at…/susan…/area/become-a-consultant/

No targets, no pressure, no minimum orders, no contract and no catch!

If this sounds like you, then perhaps becoming an Independent Consultant with Neal's Yard Remedies Organic is something you'd like to do.

It is a hugely rewarding experience and great fun. There is no pressure to perform, no extortionate buy-in and no one's going to make you sell, sell, sell! Though, if it's a successful business that you want, that's what you'll get, and we'll be there to support you all the way. As an Independent Consultant, you will receive a 25% discount off any products you order and you will get 25% commission on products that you sell.

The current campaign which offers you a choice of 2 starter kits for just £45 - sign up to EARN or SAVE - either way, it just makes sense! 

Please get in touch with me by return to chat it through so that you, or someone you may know, doesn't miss out on the wonderful opportunity to join an ethical, quality, respected and luxurious brand which can kick-start their independence, enjoyment and love of beauty.

Why not spread the love?
Tell others about the offer so that they can benefit too and building their own future success…

• Who do you know who would benefit from being part of NYR Organic?
• Who is saving up for their next holiday?
• Perhaps looking for a fresh challenge?
• Anyone looking for an organic brand to use in their therapy business?
• Who simply loves their NYR products and would appreciate the 25% discount on own purchases?

You can join on my website:
or call me and we can go through it together

If you have any questions and would like to know more, as a Team Leader I would be very happy to help guide you get the most out of your Neal's Yard experience.

I look forward to welcoming you to the Neal's Yard Remedies Organic family - in whichever capacity suits you.

My Personal "Can't Live Without" Neal's Yard Remedies Organic Products List:


beauty sleep concentrate

NYR says: "Our luxurious, lightweight and easily absorbed Beauty Sleep Concentrate has been scientifically formulated to support your skin’s natural night time regeneration, while helping reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Proven in clinical trials to increase skin's moisture levels by up to 98% over 12 hours."

Why I love it: As a busy mum, working most of the hours that God sends, I find this indispensable in not only keeping my skin looking fresh, but also in getting a decent and good night's sleep! As a natural sceptic, I couldn't quite believe the claims about this product helping with sleep but having tried it over several months, it's genuinely surprising how well it works. I have consistently good sleep whenever I use this product, and wake up the next morning feeling well-rested and ready for another active day.

See more info here: Beauty Sleep Concentrate


NYR says: "Enjoy a skin-softening shower or a fragrant, relaxing bath infused with the aroma of organically grown English lavender – a much softer scent than its French cousin – enriched with skin-soothing extracts of organic chamomile and oat. Our English lavender is organically grown and tended by hand on a family farm on the rolling hills of Hampshire."

Why I love it: No matter how many luxurious shower gels I have used in my time, this is my absolute favourite, and it doesn't have a huge price tag either! Nothing can compare to the heavenly lavender scent which is so complex, it's hard to believe it's "just lavender". There is no fake, synthetic cloying smell but instead a completely unexpected and delightful floral escape - it's like being on holiday every morning! 

See more info here: English Lavender Bath & Shower Gel



NYR says: "This balm can be used in 3 ways - as a deep nourishing balm for dry skin, for simple cleansing and exfoliating, or as part of a full facial treatment to decongest and enrich the skin.

  1. Deep Nourishment Use on dry or sun-damaged areas to restore and nourish. Apply sparingly to clean, dry skin.
  2. Simple Cleansing Cleanse excess make up from the skin and moisten face with warm water. Gently massage balm into skin. Run cloth under hot tap, squeeze out water and use it to wipe off balm in gentle circular movements.
  3. Full Facial Cleanse excess make up from skin before you start. Run the muslin cloth under hot water, squeeze out and place it over your face to warm the skin and open pores. Repeat. Apply balm in a gentle circular motion, avoiding eyes. Run cloth under hot water again and place over the face. The warmth allows the oils to infuse and the balm to penetrate the skin. Rinse the cloth and use it to wipe the balm away, exfoliating and cleansing as you go. Finally run the cloth under cold water and place over the skin to close the pores."

Why I love it: Don't ask me to live without my Wild Rose Beauty Balm... EVER! It's my desert island product and if left with only one item to choose from, this would be it. One little sample of this multi-award winning product was the sole reason for me joining NYR as a consultant and I have never heard a bad thing against it. If you've received a sample pack from me, you'll have been lucky enough to try it yourself. It is so versatile and nourishing without being heavy and gloopy on your skin and it lasts for absolute ages, so you definitely get your money's worth.

See more info here: Wild Rose Beauty Balm

These are just a small selection of my favourite products and if you have any questions regarding others, I'd be very happy to help!

Want to be part of a team that believes in "People Helping People" ?

If this resonates with you, then perhaps becoming an Independent Consultant with Neal's Yard Remedies Organic is something you'd like to do?

It is a hugely rewarding experience and great fun. There is no pressure to perform, no extortionate buy-in and no one's going to make you sell, sell, sell! Though, if it's a successful business that you want, that's what you'll get, and we'll be there to support you all the way. As an Independent Consultant, you will receive a 25% discount off any products you order and you will get 25% commission on products that you sell.

If you want to enjoy the 'blue bottles' for yourself, you have a few options available:

1. If you would like to order NYRO products, you can do so through me, as your dedicated personal consultant. To thank you for ordering through me, you will receive free samples with every order and a loyalty card that you won’t get in-store or online.
2. If you would like to take advantage of the current £45 kit offer, you can sign up as a consultant yourself. This will enable you to order products direct from NYRO and receive a 25% discount. (This is in addition to any sale discounts and offers.)
3. You can then choose whether you want to use your consultant status to get a discount on your own products, or if you want to sell them to others. You can do as little or as much of this as you wish to. There is absolutely no pressure to sell, though there is a huge potential for success and earning additional income.
4. If you would like to earn some free products without signing up, you can arrange a pampering get together with your friends/family/neighbours. It’s a great opportunity to have fun, try before you buy, and really experience the range in more depth. (See pg. 4 of the brochure).

The ethos of Neal's Yard Remedies Organic is to spread the word about organic products that do not harm us, animals, or the environment. They are the world’s first health & beauty brand to be awarded 100/100 for ethics in an independent audit by The Ethical Company Organisation.

They donate huge amounts of money to environmental issues. For example, through the sales of the Bee Lovely Range, they have donated £60,000 to projects that Help Save the Bees.

Not many people can say that they started their own business, with the backing of an internationally respected and renowned, ethical, high quality product for the mere tag of £45.
The offer will revert to £95 at the end of May

Why not spread the love?
Tell others about the offer so that they can benefit too and begin building your own team - and future success…

• Who do you know who would benefit from being part of NYR Organic?
• Who is saving up for their summer holiday?
• Perhaps looking for a fresh challenge?
• Anyone looking for an organic brand to use in their therapy business?
• Who simply loves their NYR products and would appreciate the 25% discount on own purchases?

Are you a therapist?
Neal’s Yard is such a well-respected and popular brand, that any therapist using the products for facials, massages and other treatments will immediately have an additional revenue stream. Most clients want to buy the products that have been used in their treatment! Because the NYRO products last so well, you’ll find yourself needing to use less product than before, thereby keeping your costs down.

You can join on my website:
or call me and we can go through it together

If you have any questions and would like to know more, I would be very happy to help.
I look forward to welcoming you to the Neal's Yard Remedies Organic family - in whichever capacity suits you.

Do you want a new and exciting adventure in your life?

Do you have a summer holiday to pay for? Got someone's birthday coming up? Or would you like to do something fun in your spare time?

I love being part of Neal's Yard Remedies Organic because I can share the wonderful products with lots of people in the knowledge that they are safe, ethical and do no harm.

This has been life changing for me on so many levels, my skin has improved, my health has improved and I have a fun past time which earns me free products. I enjoy sharing ...the amazing blue bottles knowing that people are going to love them!

Sound interesting? Ask me for an information pack today or click on the sign up button above. You'll receive the full starter kit with trolley bag, online shop and FREE training & unlimited support.

Friday Flowers

Bach Flower Remedy: BEECH


This remedy is for people who are lacking compassion and understanding; they feel very critical, judgemental and intolerant of others. They struggle to see the good in others, usually because they are struggling to see it in themselves.

The Beech Flower Remedy can help one to be more lenient, flexible and loving to themselves and others.

Easy to remember as “Bitchy Beech”!

Dr. Bach said: “those who feel the need to see more good and beauty in all that surrounds them. And, although much appears to be wrong, to have the ability to see the good growing within. So as to be able to be more tolerant, lenient and understanding of the different way each individual and all things are working to their own final perfection.” The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies