The Universe Has Our Back

by Karen Berg

"Instead of feeling doubt every time something seemingly negative happens, what we should be saying is: “I don’t understand this situation, but I’ve done everything I can to make it a positive experience. So I’ll have certainty that in the larger scheme of things, the situation is indeed positive.” With this consciousness, we give darkness no entry into our experience or our life.

Today, when something doesn’t go as planned, have certainty that the universe is working for your highest good."

Friday Flowers: Cerato

On Fridays I like to post "Friday Flowers" to add some beauty to your day. So, here are some Friday Flowers for you, as well as some insightful info on how the Bach Flower Remedy for this particular flower can help people who find themselves needing it.

Your Friday Flower for today is Cerato...

This is the remedy for people who lack faith in their own judgment. When faced with making a decision (or having made one), they second guess themselves and they go around asking for opinions and advice from others – ending up even more confused because they did not follow their hearts.

Cerato helps us to listen to our inner voice and trust our intuition, so that we can make decisions based on our own guidance and not that of others. It restores the qualities of inner certainty and wisdom. You are the expert of your life and Cerato helps you to remember this.

Dr. Bach said: “Those who have not sufficient confidence in themselves to make their own decisions. They constantly seek advice from others, and are often misguided.”
The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies

In short: Asking others for advice instead of trusting own judgment. Restores inner wisdom and trust in self.


How are you labelling yourself today ?
– or this year ?
– or this lifetime ?

I once worked for civil engineers and we had a little picture of a crane that we used on presentations. What do you think that crane picture was saved on the computer server as?
“Crane picture” perhaps?
No, it was actually called “Derek”.

Huh? I can hear your confusion from here. I couldn’t agree more.
The crane picture had been named Derek some years back because the man who originally drew it was called Derek, and the name had just stuck. People no longer referred to it as ‘the crane picture’ but simply as ‘Derek’, even though it really wasn’t a particularly suitable, or useful, or even vaguely descriptive title.
In that moment that the crane picture was originally saved to the server, the person who called it Derek simply needing to label it, didn’t for even a second realise how longstanding the impact would be of calling the picture that.
So, when you label yourself or others as something, you are doing exactly the same thing.
Is there a label you have given yourself which, no matter how outdated and incorrect it may be, you still believe of yourself? In that moment of labelling yourself, what image have you created for yourself, and of yourself? Did you once call yourself ‘lazy’ for not tidying your room (when you were a teenager), and yet now, even though you are highly motivated, do you still on some level believe yourself to be lazy?
How does that effect how you see yourself?
What impact does that have on you in other aspects of your life?

You may work very hard not to be lazy but because of that one incorrect label, it may still haunt you and sit at the back of your mind, which just isn’t very fair on you. Take a moment to think about what labels you may have given yourself that have not been updated. Do this in fairness to yourself so that you can re-name those labels and enjoy the freedom of spirit that comes with that change. ‘Lazy’? No! Actually, it should be ‘Motivated’.
How you label yourself (or how you assume a parent, partner, or significant other has labelled you in the past) has an impact on your overall self-image and consequently on your self-esteem and success in life. Make sure you are keeping the highest image of yourself in your mind to support you through your journey in life. Your labels should be updated, current, useful and helpful.
Make sure that your labels reflect who you truly are, and want to be!
The beginning of the year is a prime opportunity for you to make this change. Set the intention that now, and for the rest of this year, that you’re going to do that and see how positively life-changing it can be.

Peace and being Present

This quote is so popular on social media because it strikes a chord in all of us.

Depression is anger turned inward. Worry is something we all deal with almost daily.

This quote is a reflection of the Reiki Precepts:
Just for today, do not anger.
Just for today, do not worry.

Not only does it show how an awareness of the Reiki Precepts can lead to inner peace but it also shows how accessible and useful they are in application to daily life.

When we practice Reiki, by its very nature, it draws us firmly into the present moment and in that moment, we are free from anger, worry, depression, anxiety... whilst at the same time receiving healing on a physical, mental and emotional level too.

Mikao Usui taught Reiki as a method because he realised that it was an accessible way for everyone to gain peace and happiness without having to be practiced monks or specially trained.

Reiki is not only a method for hands on healing but also a spiritual path for happiness that everyone can easily follow. Through the practice of Reiki we can grow and develop into that happy, peaceful person we wish to be and all by simply being aware of the precepts for guidance, practicing hands on healing and essentially, sharing love and caring with ourselves and others.

Wishing each of you a genuinely blessed Reiki day.

Why might you want to learn Reiki?

See the list of incredible benefits below ... and these only scratch the surface of how Reiki can help you in every aspect of your life.

Join us on Saturday 1st November to learn beginner's Reiki Level 1.

Please visit the Reiki Level 1 page for more info.

Better yet, call me for a chat to find out more about my offering and why I am so passionate about what I teach!

And the winners are… September Birthday Give-away

Congratulations to Liz Saunders, Zoe Brown, Anne McDougall, Darryl Burks and Linda Holmes!

You have each won a full treatment following my September Birthday Give-away.

Thank you so much for liking and sharing my Facebook page and for showing your support – which genuinely means the world to me.

I have sent each of you a private message. Please email me on to confirm receipt so that we can get your appointment booked in.

Looking forward to treating you to a treat soon ;-)

Thought for the day...

Energy follows thought - so how are you going to live your day today?


It's cold and raining today but is that going to dampen your spirits or are you going to think yourself happy? So happy in fact, that you'll feel as if you're sitting in the warm sunshine. You could be happy to the core, so that the joy shines out of you and warms those around you and brightens everyone's day.

How are you going to think yourself happy today?

Are you going to win a free treatment this month?

Have you done all you can to be in with a chance of winning a treatment?

Hello everyone,

At the beginning of the month, I posted a message saying that September is my birth month, so I will be giving away a treatment as a gift to 5 people selected by random from anyone who "Likes" my Facebook page.

There are only 7 days left of September, so if you would like to be one of the winners, please visit my Facebook page: and click on the "LIKE" button.

like fb jpeg smal.jpg

You can choose to have a Reiki treatment, Reiki Distant Healing, Bach Flower Remedies Consultation, Animal Healing or Angel Card Reading.

You don't have to be local to enjoy a treatment, as they can be carried out over the phone, by email or via Skype (though this doesn't apply to an in-person Reiki treatment).

At the end of the month, I will put the names of everyone who liked my page, into a hat and for dramatic purposes, get my little man to draw 5 names out!

I will contact you with the good news directly by email.
Please ensure that is added to your contacts list so that I can get in touch with you if you win.

It's my birthday this month, so here's a gift for you! Giving away 5 treatments

I am giving away 5 treatments this month - make sure you are one of the winners!

Hello lovely people,

I am very excited to be celebrating my birthday this month, so excited in fact, that I thought it would be really nice to 'pay it forward' by sharing my gifts with you.

Those of you who know me well, will know that I consider Reiki to be one of the greatest gifts we can share with others.

So, I am going to be giving away a full treatment to 5 people. (You can of course choose to have a Bach Consultation, Animal Healing or Angel Card Reading should you prefer one of those.)

To be in it to win it, please 'Like' and 'Share' my Facebook page:

5 People will be randomly selected and I will contact you with the good news directly by email.

Please ensure that is added to your contacts list so that I can get in touch with you if you win. 5 free treatments

Valuable lessons for life... Don't interrupt others or finish their sentences

This morning I was having a look through my book case and happened upon the superb little book "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" by Richard Carlson.

I decided to open it randomly to see what would come up and a brilliant little chapter entitled "Don't interrupt others or finish their sentences" was what I found. It was so brilliant in fact, that I decided to share it with you.

I for one know that this is a lesson I should take heed of. My excuse is that if I don't say what I want to say at the time, it's gone from my head forever - which, as frustrating as it is, is still just an excuse. As Mr. Carlson so rightly says "this insidious tendency is nothing more than an innocent habit" but once you can get the hang of noticing it and take action - by consciously deciding not to interrupt someone - then you will soon notice how much more pleasure you get from conversations and especially, how much more you will learn from others and also learn about others.

Now that you've read this, do you notice yourself interrupting? How does it make you feel when someone else interrupts you? Feel free to share you comments, I'd love to hear from you.

don't interrupt others pg 1
don't interrupt pg 2
Don't sweat the small stuff book cover

Too much sun today? Try this for sore skin relief.

If, like me, you forgot how blazingly hot the sun can be (and who could blame us, it's been such a long time since we really saw it!), then you could be looking a little on the blush side of red this evening. Fear not, help is at hand.

Try using Bach Rescue Cream on your skin for quick and effective relief. It contains the famous Rescue Remedy Flower blend, as well as Crab Apple. It absorbs quickly, leaving no residue and can be safely used on the face, hands and body.

I have tried and tested this so I can reliably inform you that it works wonders! 

See the picture below for more info or visit Nelsons Natural World

bach rescue cream information