Bach Flower Remedies WATER VIOLET

We all know someone like this. Tag a friend who needs to hear this and make a concerted effort to reach out to the most self-contained people you know today... because they just might be the ones crying out for it the most!

Bach FlowerRemedies: WATER VIOLET

Key Words:

- Seems to have it all sorted

- Sometimes quiet, usually self-contained

- They're people with bottomless depths of heart but you often feel you can't see below their surface

What you need to know:

As the scale of their self-reliance goes up, the more OK they seem to the outside world, the more they actually need you

What to do:

Reach out

* I SEE YOU: Hiding away behind that big wall you built around yourself. Sitting in isolation, desperately lonely, wishing so much that the ones you crave would reach for you, would see the grappling hook you left waiting for them (and they don't even realise they are part of a select, elite few). But you're so afraid of getting hurt, or of being a burden, that you just continue to wait, slowly decaying, instead of sending up an SOS flare.

* YOUR LESSON: You're so self-contained because you don't want to impose yourself on others. You think they can see the rawness in your heart but they can't because you veil it so well. Be brave, reach out, ask for the love, company or support you need."

Please don't struggle on alone.

Reach out.

Book a 20 minute complimentary call here:

With love,

Sue 💜

➡️ Want to work with me? I'm a Bach Flower Remedies expert, and combine them with Modern Psychology to help you figure yourself, others and life out. Find out more at

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