If you're feeling drained, stressed, tired, overwhelmed - you're not alone!
If you're seeking to feel inspired, connected, motivated - you're not alone!
In fact, if you find yourself having only just recovered from the last parts of 2020, and wondering when you're going to get into the good parts of 2021 - you're not alone!
Which means also, that now's the best time to... not be alone!
So don't be alone, be with me
I'd love to invite you to share with me, the experience of giving yourself the gift of presence, peace and quiet calm.
I'd love you to be with me, meditating for just 10 minutes every day, for 10 days.
Now, I'm one of those people who immediately seizes up when I hear the word "meditation".
It makes me think:
"Oh goodness no! No, No, No! I can't levitate!
Oh, you said meditate? No, I can't do that either!
I can't silence my mind!
Have you met me?? I'm a glorified over-excited puppy dog for heaven's sake!"
So when I hear the word "meditate", I visualise a Zen monk, sitting quietly, smiling blissfully, levitating no less.
That is not me.
And I suspect that most of us don't feel zen, or monk-like, maybe not even blissful, at the moment.
So what I'm going to do is show you very simply, over 10 days in only 10 minutes each day, how to achieve a state of Zen
One that is incredibly, unbelievably, easy and effortless. And, dare I say it... very enjoyable.
So let me put it this way...
If you were offered an investment, whereby you put in £100 pounds, and you were guaranteed to get £1 million back. Would you do it?
£100 in, for a guaranteed, safe, risk-free £1,000,000 out?
I'm going to go out on a limb here and fill in your answer with a "hell yeah I would!"
Now this is the (non-financial but vastly more valuable) investment that you're going to be making in yourself...
What if I told you that simply by investing 100 minutes in yourself, you're going to get at least 1 million minutes back?
Let's estimate modestly that on average most of us will live at least 30 years more.
If you were to set up an effective, reliable, and repeatable experience of daily meditation, using this free meditation course to help you get started, over the next 100 minutes in the next 10 days, you would be rewarded with over a million minutes of peace and happiness in the rest of your life!!
That sounds like a pretty good investment, yes?
I know first-hand how hard it can be do try go this alone. You swerve, you find excuses, you clean the bathroom, the car, the house...
So I'm not going to leave you to do it alone.
I'm going to hold your hand and I'm going to support you.
I'm going to be there for you.
And I'm going to make it as easy and as pleasurable as possible.
I'm also going to give you a beautiful workbook, to inspire you in the days after the course and to work through, to dig deep into your psyche so you can learn how to get the very best out of yourself.
So, my gift to you, my show of love and support, because I know we all need it, I know we all deserve it and I know we all want it - is to share these 10 minutes over 10 days with you - and all I ask is that you show up.
I ask that you be present, you bring your soul, and you commit fully.
All you need is a promise to yourself that you would like to show up, you would like to be happy, you would like to experience peace, and you would like to invest in yourself so that you can become a meditation millionaire.
And whilst you're feeling super-charged, motivated and excited - spread the word - nab yourself an accountability buddy who can share the experience, and the benefits, with you - and who can call you out on moody days and remind you "for the love of God, go meditate!"
Sign up so I know you're coming.
Let me know where to send your free workbook.
Meet me on the 10th of March, at 10am (on Zoom).
Bring a friend.
Bring a smile.
Bring a cuppa.
And bring your beautiful self.
I cannot wait!
Remember - you are made of stars, love and light, so shine bright!
With so much love,
Sue x