Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy
Please read our Cancellation Policy here. You will also have a link to this information on your Booking Confirmation. Thank you.
We operate a 24 hour cancellation policy.
PAYMENT TERMS: Payment is required in full prior to your appointment.
DEPOSIT: Required immediately upon booking to secure your appointment and non-refundable under any circumstances.
REMAINDER APPOINTMENT FEE: Due no less than 10 days prior to your appointment. If the Remainder Appointment Fee is not paid 10 days prior to your appointment, the booking will be automatically released and the deposit forfeited.
FULL PAYMENT: You can make full payment at the time of booking to save having to make a second payment 10 days before your appointment.
Giving less than 24 hours' notice: The Deposit & Remainder Appointment Fee are automatically forfeited.
Giving more than 24 hours' notice: The Deposit & Remainder Appointment Fee will be retained by us and your appointment moved to the next available slot. If however you no longer require the appointment, the Deposit will be retained by us and the Remainder Appointment Fee will be refunded. Please note: Administration charges will apply.
We do not accept responsibility for changes in clients' personal circumstances.
Refunds are only given if a course or treatment is altered or cancelled by us and we and reserve the right to alter/cancel any of the available treatments/courses.
Please note, if in exceptional circumstances, we agree to issue a refund for a deposit, there will be an Administration Charge incurred.
Refunds for Online Courses are not available.